DRDO CEPTAM 8 Admit Card 2016 @drdo.gov.in Hall ticket

DRDO CEPTAM 8 Admit Card 2016 @drdo.gov.in Hall ticket - The Admit Card of DRDO CEPTAM 08 is available for download for all the eligible candidates who applied for Written Examination for DRDO Entry Test-2015 under CEPTAM-08 Advt. will be held on 17th July, 2016.A lot of candidates applied for DRDO Entry Test-2016 CEPTAM-08 now they are looking for admit card which is available now. Defense Research & Development Organization is going to conduct the DRDO CEPTAM 08 Examination on 17 July 2016 at many examination centres. Now latest news is that DRDO CEPTAM 8 Admit Card 2016 is released now candidates can download by  Applicaton Number or Date of Birth and Mobile Number or Using Post code, Name and Date of Birth

Note : Write Your Name, Post Code, Date of Birth and Mobile No. as written in Application Form.

Exam Authority - Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO)

Exam Name - CEPTAM-08

Number of Posts - 1142 posts

Admit Card Status – available now

drdo.gov.in Hall ticket 2016

Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO) works under Department of Defence Research and Development of Ministry of Defence. DRDO dedicatedly working towards enhancing self-reliance in Defence Systems and undertakes design & development leading to production of world class weapon systems and equipment in accordance with the expressed needs and the qualitative requirements laid down by the three services.

Post Code - Post Name – download DRDO CEPTAM 8 Admit Card 2016

0101 - STA-B Automobile Engineering

0102 - STA-B Chemical Engineering

0103 - STA-B Chemistry

0104 - STA-B Civil Engineering

0105 - STA-B Computer Science

0106 - STA-B Electrical & Electronics

0107 - STA-B Electrical Engineering

0108 - STA-B Electronics & Instrumentation

0110 - STA-B Instrumentation

0111 - STA-B Library Science

0112 - STA-B Mathematics

0113 - STA-B Mechanical Engineering

0114 - STA-B Metallurgy

0115 - STA-B Microbiology

0116 - STA-B Nursing

0117 - STA-B Photography

0118 - STA-B Physics

0119 - STA-B Radiography

0120 - STA-B Textile

0121 - STA-B Zoology

0201 - TECH-A Book Binder

0202 - TECH-A Carpenter

0203 - TECH-A COPA

0204 - TECH-A Cutting & Tailoring

0205 - TECH-A Draugtsman (Mechanical)

0206 - TECH-A DTP Operator

0207 - TECH-A Electrician

0208 - TECH-A Electronics

0209 - TECH-A Fitter

0210 - TECH-A Machinist

0211 - TECH-A Mechanic (Diesel)

0212 - TECH-A Medical Lab Technology

0213 - TECH-A Refrigeration & Air Conditioning

0214 - TECH-A Sheet Metal Worker

0215 - TECH-A Turner

0216 - TECH-A Welder

0301 - Assistant Hindi Assistant Hindi

0401 - Personal Assistant 'A' (English) Personal Assistant 'A' (English)

0501 - Admin Assistant 'A' (English) Admin Assistant 'A' (English)

0502 - Admin Assistant 'A' (Hindi) Admin Assistant 'A' (Hindi)

0601 - Store Assistant 'A' (English) Store Assistant 'A' (English)

0602 - Store Assistant 'A' (Hindi) Store Assistant 'A' (Hindi)

0701 - Security Assistant 'A' Security Assistant 'A'

0801 - Clerk (Canteen Manager) Clerk (Canteen Manager)

0901 - Vehicle Operator 'A' Vehicle Operator 'A'

1001 - Fire Engine Driver 'A' Fire Engine Driver 'A'

1101 - Asstt Halwai-cum-Cook Asstt Halwai-cum-Cook

DRDO ENTRY TEST - 2015 CEPTAM 8 Admit Card

DRDO ENTRY TEST - 2015 CEPTAM 8 is going to held on 17 July 2016 candidates are very excited and looking for admit card which is available now. Candidates will not allow entering in the examination hall without Hall ticket/Admit Card. A large number of applicants applied for DRDO ENTRY TEST - 2015 CEPTAM 8 now they are waiting for admit card which is avail now download the admit card and check all information given on this DRDO CEPTAM 8 Admit Card 2016 in case there is any mistake in admit card candidates can contact with official authority in given time before exam day.

How to download DRDO CEPTAM 8 Admit Card 2016

To download DRDO CEPTAM 8 Admit Card 2016 candidates need to follow some steps:

  1. First of all candidates need to open official website.

  2. Find link for Candidates Admit card download for CEPTAM-08 Advt

  3. Enter detail

  4. download DRDO CEPTAM 8 Admit Card 2016

  5. Take Print out of DRDO CEPTAM 8 Admit Card 2016


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