Markfed Punjab Recruitment 2016,327 Assitant Accountact , Officer & other Post apply online

Markfed Punjab Recruitment 2016,327 Assitant Accountact , Officer & other Post apply online - The Punjab State Cooperative supply & Marketing Federation Limited has released the notification for 327 Vacancies for Assistant Field Officer, Assistant Accountant, Field Officer (General). The Eligibile candidates can apply online for Markfed Punjab Jobs on or before 30 may 2016. if you are looking for Jobs in Punjab then you can apply for Markfed Punjab Recruitment 2016. We are here to provide you complete detail about Markfed Punjab Recruitment 2016 you can also check at official website which is

Important Date

  • Start date for ONLINE submission of application form -  6th May, 2016 ( From9.00 AM)

  • Last date for ONLINE submission of application form - 30th May, 2016 (upto 5.00 PM)

  • Last date for submission of fee - 2nd June, 2016

  • Date of written test - Tentative in the month of July/August, 2016

Markfed Punjab - is one of largest Marketing Cooperative Federation which is also awarded from the govenment. Now the Organiztation released the vacancies for various posts as Officers, Assistant Accountants, Clerk, Peon, Chowkidar, Manager and Steno typist Posts. All the candidates who are interetd in below given post can apply for Punjab MARKFED jobs.last date for receipt of online applications shall be May 30, 2016 (upto 5:00PM)

Total Number of Posts - 327

Post Name and Number of Vacancies

Name of the postsPostsEducational QualificationPay Scale
Internal Auditor01B.Com in Ist Division Plus Cost Accountant 

Rs.15600-39100 + GP Rs.6600/-
Dy. Chief Accounts Officer01B.Com. Ist Division plus Chartered Accountant/ Cost Accountant
Sr. Accounts Officer05B.Com. Ist Division plus ICWA
Technical Officer07B.Sc. (Agriculture) Ist Division and M.Sc. (Agriculture) Ist Division with specialization in Entomology /Plant Pathology/ Food Technology 


Rs.10300-34800 + GP Rs.5000/-
Sr. Branch Officer07M.Sc. in Agronomy/Extension Education/Agril. Economics/Soil/ Entomology/ Plant Pathology/Agri Business/Plant Breeding / Genetics
Field Officer (Preservation)17B.Sc. (Agriculture) Ist DivisionRs.10300-34800 + GP Rs.3800/-
Field Officer (General)47B.Sc. (Agriculture) 2nd Division having minimum 50% marks.
Assistant Accountant68Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications(Excel, Data Management and MS-Office) 

Rs.10300-34800 + GP Rs.4400/-
Assistant Sales Officer32MBA with specialization in MarketingRs.10300-34800 + GP Rs.3800/-
Assistant Field Officer62B.Sc. (Agriculture) 2nd DivisionRs.5910-20200 + GP Rs.2400/-
Steno Typist19Graduate Having proficiency in Punjabi Stenography at the speed of 80 w.p.m. and to transcribe at a speed of 15 w.p.mRs.10300-34800 + GP Rs.3200/-
Manager (Quality Control)01M.Sc (Chemistry)Rs.10300-34800 +GP 5400/-
Production Manager01B.E.(Mechanical) /(Production )/(Chemical)/ (Oil Technology)Rs.15600-39100 +GP 6600/-
Quality Control Incharge01M.Sc (Chemistry)Rs.10300-34800 +GP 5000/-
Dy. General Manager01M.Sc Chemistry 1st division./ B.E. Chemical Engg.Rs.15600-39100 +GP 7800/-
Chemist03B.Sc 1st division with ChemistryRs.10300-34800 +GP 3800/-
Manager01Post Graduate degree in Food TechnologyRs.10300-34800 +GP 5400/-
Chef01diploma / degree in Hotel ManagementRs.10300-34800 +GP 5000/-
Store Keeper01B.Com and Knowledge of MS-Office is essential.Rs.10300-34800 +GP 3800/-
Foreman01Diploma in Mechanical Engineer
Lab Technician0210+2 with diploma in Lab. TechnicianRs.5910-20200 +GP 2400/-
Clerk14Bachelor’s degree/Computer information technology courseRs.10300-34800 +GP 3200/-
Peon04Passed middle standard with PunjabRs.4900-10680 +GP 1650/-

Middle standard with PunjabRs.4900-10680 +GP 1650/-

Age Limit - Candidates must be between 18 to 37 Years as on 1st January 2016.

Candidates will have to fill up online application form. Candidates applying for more than one post shall have to submit separate application form for each post along with the requisite fee for the same. Request for change/correction in any particulars in the online Application Form shall not be entertained after submission of application form

 Markfed Punjab Recruitment 2016 E- Admit Card

Candidates can download their E- admit card by using Markfed ID and Password. The admit Card will not be sent by Posts If the candidate is unable to download the E-Admit Card from the concerned website, he/she must contact the Markfed office through email ID: Please quote your Markfed ID while communicating with the office.

 Markfed Punjab Recruitment Test 2016 Answer Key

After the conduct of the written test, the answer key will be uploaded on the website for inviting objections to answers, if any.The objection to any answer can be filed by the candidate on the prescribed objection form available on the website within three days from the date of conduct of the written test. The candidate has to provide a relevant documentary proof in the form of book, relevant article etc. in support of his/her objection, otherwise the objection shall not be entertained.

Markfed Punjab Recruitment 2016 Merit List

Merit list will be uploaded on official website after 10 days of written examination category wise. In the case of two or more candidates obtaining equal marks in the written test, the candidate
older in age shall be placed higher in the order of merit.

Markfed Punjab Recruitment 2016 Selection Process

candidates will be selcetd on the basis of written test only. Candidates will be called for counselling with original documents after qualification. Knowledge of MS-Office is essential for all categories of posts except the post of Assistant Accountant. For the post of Assistant Accountant, certificate of Computer Applications issued by  recognized Institutions of Board of Technical Education, Punjab

How to Apply Markfed Punjab Recruitment 2016

1. Visit the official website of MARKFED:
2. Click on the link to register for the post on the link “Recruitment for 327 Posts of Various Categories “.
3. Click on the Registration button.
4. Click on “New Registration”, if you are applying for the first time.
5. Click on the button “Retrenched Officials”, if you are retrenched official of the Markfed Sugar & Allied Industries Malout or retrenched officials of other Co-operative institutions.
6. After filling the required information in the Registration Form, click on “Submit Button” for getting the Markfed ID. Upload your digital photo and signature under step 2 and generate fee challan under step 3. This challan is to be used to deposit the fee in any branch of Punjab National Bank. Take the print out of the fee Challan under step 4.

7. After depositing the fee in Punjab National Bank, click on “Already Registered Candidate” button where you have to use your Markfed Id number and Password which you have entered while registering.

8. Update all your details and take the final printout of the application form

Qualifying Marks -

General Category / OBC - 35 %
SC/ST - 30 %


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